Kitchen Vent Hood-Week Three of the Spring One Room Challenge
It’s week three of the One Room Challenge and I thought I’d pop in for a quick update. This week instead of tiling we tackled the hood vent over the stove. I am doing my happy dance over here. I am so excited with how it turned out.
Sorry for the I-Phone photos. It’s been raining and I haven’t taken any real photos yet.
A reminder of the vent before.
These are the inspirations photos I had been saving for what I wanted to hood to look like.
Sources: A. Shanty 2 Chic. B. Aspen Creek Homes C. Girl & Grey
I’ll write a post on how my husband built it later, but for now I am just happy to be done (except for choosing a stain).
Be sure to head over to the One Room Challenge’s page and check out all the Featured designers as well as all the Guest participants. I promise you will be inspired!
See you next week!
A Big thanks to the One Room Challenge and Better Homes & Gardens